Friday, April 30, 2010

i found it

Its all these god dam pictures of people
all there faces all the time... what would anyone care?

I think therefor i am alone in my head.

I think the real beauty in life is death.

I really hope things aren't as complicated as I think they are.

But I have a feeling that things are always more complicated than I would ever know.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Im trying to meet as many people as I can
I don't know. Maybe someone interesting will pop up

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I want someone

I want to share with someone everything I got. I want to give them so much of myself that they become a part of me and they would share so much of them selves that I would become a part of them. Cant we all be that lucky. Only in death I will ever know anything for sure. Only in death we will truly know love.

Monday, April 19, 2010

they are never going to write a book about your life
stop thinking of the plot line... every time something exciting happens.

your going to die and no one will ever miss you. Ever.
no one will ever remember what the letter stands for in the middle of your name on your grave stone.


some days I can make a sandwich some days I can draw a sandwich... some days im like, fuck the sandwich I want Doritos but then I don't have any Doritos so I don't eat anything at all and pout. today is one of them Dorito days... what ever tomorrow will be awesome!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


When I grow up I want to be
Oh wait....

flat coca cola

The coca cola is flat
its a sad thing too
coca cola is not ever as good ever again.